Jamileth Tornero Martinez - 11 years old - Club foot
Jamileth lives in Castovirreyna, and suffers from both feet growing inward, known as club foot condition. SoPA is managing her treatment: The first round is casts on both legs to straighten her feet. The casts are continuously redressed as her bones change.
In all cases SOPA covers all expenses for treatment, including transportation, food, and lodging for these children to obtain treatment in Lima.
Maria Noah Huamani - 23 years old - Breast cancer
Maria is from Lircay. SoPA removed tumors from her breast in 2021, but in November 2022 she returned to us with additional tumors. We removed all of Maria’s tumors, and she has recovered fully.
Maria Noah Huamani from Lircay.
Franco - 15 years old - Lymphatic cancer
Franco is from the State of Huanuco, Peru, and was referred to SoPA because he was affected by a huge tumor on his neck. We arranged and funded transportation, lodging and meals for him and his parents to travel for diagnosis and treatment.
Dr. Luis Basaldua Flores, our representative and group leader in medicine, arranged for an appointment at Instituto Nacional de Nino for a full examination and diagnostic. Unfortunalely, Franco was diagnosed with lymphatic cancer. Franco was treated with chemotherapy, with very good results. After months of treatment, the tumor has all but disappeared, and he is feeling much better. Doctors in Lima are presently evaluating his condition to perhaps continue with radio treatment.
Yadhira - 3 years old - Congenital dislocated hip
Yadhira was only 2 years old when SOPA doctors diagnosed her in Castrovirreyna with a congenital dislocated hip. SOPA brought her to Lima where she was operated on, at NO COST to her or her family. A year later, she is now able to walk with a slight limp. With physical therapy, she will hopefully be able to regain full strength & movement.
Elias Machuca Sosa - 8 years old - Tumor Removal
Elias Machuca Sosa came a long way from Suytupampa and was brought to SOPA’s medical mission in Castrovirreyna by his loyal mother. He presented a severe case of a bleeding friable mass near his anus which affected his walking and wellness. The doctors promptly transported the patient to Lima, and surgery was successfully performed on November 13, 2019 . After recovery in Lima’s Pediatric Hospital, Elias has returned home and is a normal happy boy.
Luis Fernando - 13 years old - Frenectomy
Luis Fernando, was only 13 years old when our doctors saw that he had a frenulum that was giving him trouble eating and speaking. A frenectomy was performed in Huancavelica on October 10, 2019 where they cut the tissue. The surgery was a success and as of December 2019, Luis is now able to experience a sense of normalcy.
Zulmita de Alta ~ Heart Murmur
Zulma was diagnosed during our 2015 medical campaign by Dr. Telvi Urquizo (a cardiologist) with a life-threatening heart murmur. She was immediately transported to Lima and was put through a series of examinations at a Children's Hospital. She was diagnosed as having (PDA) Persistent Ductus Arteriosum – a defective blood vessel in the heart that often leads to heart failure and other complications.
On November 24, 2015, open heart surgery was performed. She has recovered very well and was released by the Hospital shortly thereafter. After a slow journey home, she is back with her family and friends in Castrovirreyna.
Tereza Quispe Cabezas ~ 29 years old ~ Emergency Post-Birth Surgery
In 2012, Tereza came to us during our medical campaign in Castrovirreyna after having had a very difficult delivery of her baby. She was severely bleeding. During the birth it seems she had ruptured her uterus, thereby causing massive hemorrhaging. There was no time to transport her to Huancavelica or Ica since both cities are a distance of four hours away. The risk of her not surviving the trip was very high, as the hemorrhaging was very strong. Our volunteer surgeon made the decision to operate immediately. Thankfully the surgery was successful. Mother and child are in good health and currently living in the Andes.
Gean G. Bellido Chambi ~ 4 months old ~ Cleft Palate
This baby boy was born in the Annex of Pacococha to very poor parents with low level of education. Gean was brought to us at one month of age during our health campaign of October 2014. He was diagnosed with cleft palate and lip. In February 2015, at the time of operation, he was four months old. The first surgery was performed to correct his lip, in one year the second surgery will be performed in February of 2016 to correct his palate (gum). His prognosis is excellent, after the second surgery the baby should develop normal like any other child.
Deysi Ñanez Lozano ~ 26 years old ~ Tumor Removal
Deysi was examined during our campaign in Castrovirreyna and was diagnosed with a tumor formation that completely deformed the shape of her face. In spite of the toll on Deysi's self-esteem and the potential that it could eventually create a more serious condition, her family was too poor to afford treatment. During our 2013 mission, she was operated on by our volunteer surgeon and he was able to successfully remove the tumor formation using a local anesthetic. Now tumor-free, the young lady later said to our surgeon “now I can look at myself in the mirror”.
Estela A. Cassia Tornero ~ 14 years old ~ Breast Tumor Removal
Estela A. Cassia Tornero was born and resides in an annex Villoco, she is a 14 years old student in a very poor area. She was recently diagnosed with a tumor in her breast. The patient was transported to Lima, after the respective analysis a surgery was performed successfully and the tumor was found to be benign. Estela is back in her village and attending school.
Fredy Montes Tornero ~ 40 years old ~ Nasal deformation and airway obstruction
Fredy is from the locality of Cruzpata. For the past 10 years, he has been living with a broken and deformed nose. Considering his home is in the Andes at about 4,000 meters, (approx. 12,000ft) above sea level, it has been very trying to have such an airway obstruction. Through SOPA's efforts, he was transported to Lima where he was operated successfully. He has fully recovered and is now leading a normal life, finally free from his disfigurement and difficulty breathing.
Maximo Bravo Trillo ~ 47 years old ~ Back Tumor
Maximo is a native, born and residing in the annex of Cocha. Six years ago, he became aware of a problem with his back, just below the neck. However, a lack of resources and local infrastructure kept him from obtaining treatment. Over the years, the tumor grew into a very distressing and significant size. With the resources provided by SOPA, Maximo was transported to Lima where he went though analysis and surgery. The tumors were not malignant and Maximo has made a full recovery.